We always have a good time at our Tennis Buddies practices and events. Volunteers- check out some Buddy Tips.
Purpose of the Program
Have fun
Learn tennis skills
Get exercise
Watch for spacing of players so no one gets hit with a racket.
Learn the names of the athletes.
Get athletes to talk…ask questions that need more than “yes” or “no”.
We pick-up balls as a group and socialize with each other then. Majority of our athletes have 45 minutes of court time per week.
During Practice
Lots of hits are important.
Demonstrate activities (shadow drills)
Don’t overload the athlete with info….one key point is enough.
Connect a compliment…..
Instead of “Nice shot!”…say…“Your toss was higher...nice serve!”
Be generous with praise.
Don’t be afraid to correct them. Expect them to improve.
Provide constant repetition (review, review, review)
Adapt the activity they are doing so they can be successful.
Hit balls at their level when playing with each other.
Some athletes are on medication with reduced reaction time.
Give visual congrats such as high fives and thumbs up.
End of Practice
Help pick-up and return equipment.
Thank you for being a tennis buddy. This program couldn’t work without YOU!
Find out more about becoming a Buddy.